I’m currently working towards the official map editor, but it will take some time and I have some somber thoughts to share in the meantime.

A bit of rambling about Motivation

I was a little shocked today to find out the latest blog post here is over 2 months old now. Time flies, live is short, and as I write this I feel sorry that this game no longer holds such prominent place in mine at the moment.

I don’t like to say I don’t have enough time. We each get 24 hours of it every day. But in my opinion, the key to happiness is to allocate it in a way that feels true to who we want to be and what we find important. This equation changed for me this year. Among other things I found a person who means the world to me and I opened myself to new experiences and ambitions.

Still I’ve been trying to keep up the weekly updates to the game through this. It made me invest more time into it than I otherwise would, but at the terrible cost of slowly draining my motivation and even building a weird sort of resentment. It reminds me of the famous study that shown volunteers working less if they get paid. Extrinsic motivation can be the bane of intrinsic motivation.

In the early days there used to be times when I would go to bed early and wake up around 4 am, drawn to work on the game some more before my day job starts. Maybe there will be such time again (probably better for my health if not 😅), but in any case I would like to feel pulled again into this amazing side project, rather than pushed by outside expectations.

Taking a deep breath

So that’s why I’m going to take a deep breath and stop posting weekly development updates on Discord for now. I still plan to do at least a little bit of work on the game every week, but I really feel I need to let go of this outside pressure I’ve created for myself, as it seems to be sucking the joy out of my favourite hobby right now.

This is not a goodbye, just an apology and an explanation that I feel I owe to all of you that have shown such support and passion for the game over the years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and rest assured I’m not going anywhere. I will keep reading everyone’s feedback and I will keep working on the game, just at a pace that is sustainable and enjoyable for me.

Thank you for understanding. ❤️